
FORTH was ranked as the topmost Research Center in Greece.
The Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH) scored a total of 4.67 (excellent) out of 5, thus attaining the highest score in the recent national evaluation of Research Centers.
During the period July to September 2005 the General Secretariat for Research and Technology of the Ministry of Development carried out a national evaluation of Research Centers and Research Institutes from all over the country within the framework of the "Excellence" program. The evaluation was effectuated by groups of international experts of high caliber based on the following evaluation criteria:
- Quality: the size and innovative potential of the research activities.
- Productivity: the work produced by the research team, usually estimated by use of quantitative indexes.
- Relevance to society: the scientific, technical and social impact of the research activity.
- Vitality and efficiency: internal and external potential of the research team in relation to the choices and results of the research activity.
The Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH) came first out of the 11 Research Centers of Greece with a total score of 4.67. Indicative of the magnitude of this important distinction is the fact that five out of the seven Institutes of FORTH received first rank score (higher than 4.5). Of equal importance is the fact that a regional Research Center came first in the evaluation.
It is also worth mentioning that similar evaluation has also taken place in the years 1995 and 2000, with FORTH receiving similar distinctions, indicating its constant evolution through time.
As a result of this evaluation, FORTH received a prize of €4.781.173 from the "Excellence" programme of GSRT (out of a total of €20.000.000).
For more information please contact:
Mrs. Eleutheria Katsouli
Coordinator of FORTH PR Office
Tel. 2810 391510, Fax: 2810 391513