FORTH's Excellence


FORTH's Excellence

National & International Evaluations

FORTH is placed among the leading research centers in Greece and abroad based on various external evaluations and reports:


Among the Research Centers of Greece, in all evaluations carried out by the General Secretariat for Research & Innovation (GSRI) using external, internationally renowned scientists as experts.


Among the 10 best research and educational organizations in Greece in Nature INDEX.


In the Ranking Web of Greek Research Centers, Webometrics 2017, 2018, 2019.


Among all European Research Foundations and 35th among all Research Foundations and Universities, for its participation in research projects of the 7th Framework Programme approved for funding during the period 2007-2012 (H2020 EC Dashboard)


European Research Council Grants (ERC) (the highest number in Greece)


European Research Facilities in Lasers, Polymers, Cultural Heritage & Genomics sectors.