The Visual Arts Group of FORTH Presents the Lecture "ArtScience" of Michela Pelusio
Heraklion (September, 15 2011) - For the closing event of their second exhibition "Present - Human - Future" the Visual Arts Group of FORTH presents Michela Pelusio with her lecture "ArtScience" this Saturday, 17th of September 2011 at 8pm at the Vitturi Bastion in Heraklion.
European Gender Summit
8th- 9th November, Brussels, Belgium
Convened by genSET, ESF, COST and STOA, The European Gender Summit is held under the patronage of the Polish Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
4th International Meeting: NanoWires2011: "NanoWires 2011- Structural, electronic and transportproperties of quantum wires"
The 4th NanoWire meeting "Structural, electronic and transport properties of quantum wires", (NW2011), focusing on nanowire growth, physics and device applications, was successfully organised at the cultural centre of Plomarion Lesvos, with the co-operation of the Prefecture of Lesvos and the community district of Plomari, from June 13th-18th, 2011.
The Onassis Foundation Science Lecture Series 2011 in Biology
This year Onassis Summer School in Biology is devoted to: "Basic and Applied Virology", FORTH, Heraklion Crete, Greece, 11 - 15 July 2011
Why doctors and scientists need to work closer
Doctors and scientists need to work closer together, according to a new international group working at the forefront of the use of light in medicine.
"Solar Innovation 2010" - The Grand Challenge in Photovoltaics
Prof. Nikos Pelekanos, Collaborating Faculty Member in IESL-FORTH, is one of the recipients of "Solar-Innovation 2010" for his proposal "III-V nanowires for next generation photovoltaics". The prize is awarded by the French Atomic Energy Commission (Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique), after an Open Call and selection among dozens of proposals, and includes funding and technical support to carry out the proposed research for three years.
Greece Innovates!
The Transparent Conductive Materials and Devices Group (TCM&D) of IESL-FORTH has been selected as one of the top 10 finalists in the competition of Applied Research & Innovation organized by the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises (SEV) and Eurobank EFG with the project "Degradation of pollutants for Indoor Air Quality".
3rd DISTINGUISHED LECTURE "Stelios Orphanoudakis"
The architect Manolis Korres, Professor at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) and restoration coordinator of the Parthenon at the Acropolis will give the 3rd Lecture in the context of "Stelios Orphanoudakis" Distinguished Lecture Series at the Institute for Mediterranean Studies of FORTH in Rethymnon on Friday, 18 March 2011, at 19:30 p.m.
The Caryatids are being treated with a novel laser cleaning methodology.
The Caryatids are being treated with a novel laser cleaning methodology that has already been successfully applied on many of the Athens Acropolis Sculptures (including the Parthenon West Frieze, the Frieze of Athena Nike's Temple, the Metopes and sculptural compositions from the pediments of the Parthenon).
Call for the Award for Excellence in Academic Teaching V. Xanthopoulos - St. Pnevmatikos
The call has now opened for the 21st Award for Excellence in Academic Teaching in memory of Vassilis Xanthopoulos and Stephanos Pnevmatikos, both professors at the University of Crete and members of the Foundation for Research & Technology (FORTH).
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