Call for the Award for Excellence in Academic Teaching V. Xanthopoulos - St. Pnevmatikos
The call has now opened for the 23rd Award for Excellence in Academic Teaching in memory of Vassilis Xanthopoulos and Stephanos Pnevmatikos, both professors at the University of Crete and members of the Foundation for Research & Technology (FORTH).
Three proposals of FORTH were shortlisted in the 2nd round of the “Greece Innovates” Applied Research and Innovation Competition
Three proposals of FORTH were shortlisted in the 2nd round of the "Greece Innovates" Applied Research and Innovation Competition, which is jointly sponsored by SEV Hellenic Federation of Enterpises and Eurobank member of NBG Group.
European Certification for FORTH in Cyber Security
In the context of the 38th meeting of the European Network of Computer Emergency Response Teams, which was held in Lisbon, Portugal on 28-30 January 2013, the Computer Emergency Response Team of FORTH (FORTHcert) was awarded the TERENA Trusted Introducer certification.
Graphene appointed an EU Future Emerging Technology flagship
The European Commission has chosen Graphene as one of Europe’s first 10-year, 1,000 million euro FET flagships. The mission of Graphene is to take graphene and related layered materials from academic laboratories to society, revolutionize multiple industries and create economic growth and new jobs in Europe.
Research at IMBB identifies a new disorder
Craniosynistosis is a bone condition that can inhibit brain growth in children and affects 1 in 2200 births. Work published in the premier scientific journal Nature Genetics, identifies ERF haploinsufficiency as the genetic cause of a syndromic form of craniosynostosis, the ERF-associated craniosynostosis
IMBB researcher receives the Empeirikeion Foundation Academic Excellence Prize
Nektarios Tavernarakis, a Research Director at the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (IMBB) of FORTH-Hellas, and a Professor-elect at the Medical School of the University of Crete was awarded today the Grant Academic Excellence Prize of the Empeirikeion Foundation
New optical fibre technology for thermally ultra-durable optical fibre sensors
For a second, consecutive, year research results from the Photonic Materials and Devices Laboratory of FORTH-IESL headed by Dr Stavros Pissadakis, is highlighted in the December issue of Optics & Photonics News. This annual technology review is published under the auspices of the Optical Society of America (OSA) and lists the most exciting and significant research findings that characterized the passing year in Optics and Photonics.
The ceremony of the 2012 Award for Excellence in Academic Teaching "Vassilis XANTHOPOULOS - Stephanos PNEVMATIKOS"
The ceremony of the Award for Excellence in Academic Teaching "Vassilis XANTHOPOULOS - Stephanos PNEVMATIKOS" will be held at the main Hall of old Hellenic Parliament in Athens on December 14 2012, at 19.00 p.m.
Researchers of the Institute of Computer Science - FORTH received the First Award in software contest organized in Japan
Researchers at the Institute of Computer Science (ICS) Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (FORTH) received the First Award in the "Gesture Recognition Challenge" contest with their work titled "Giving a hand to Kinect"
EMBO Young Investigator award at IMBB-FORTH
George A. Garinis, Associate Professor of Genetics at the department of Biology, University of Crete and an affiliated Researcher at the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (IMBB) of FORTH- Hellas has been awarded today the prestigious EMBO Young Investigator award for his research achievements on delineating the functional role of Nucleotide Excision Repair factors in development and disease
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