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On Monday 22nd of March 2010, 18:00 hrs, at the FORTH Amphitheatre in Heraklion (Crete), Dr. Peter Freeman will give the 2nd lecture in the context of "Stelios Orphanoudakis" Distinguished Lecture series. This year, the Lecture is in the area of Computer Science, Information and Communications Technologies, and is entitled:
"The Interaction of Science and Society as Illustrated by the Internet"

A significant success for FORTH: Four RTD proposals in the field of fuel cells and hydrogen production have recently been selected for funding by the European Commission

The Institute of Chemical Engineering and High Temperature Chemical Processes of the Foundation of Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH/ICE-HT) has recently received a new distinction at European level, as the European Committee selected for funding four (4) proposals in the field of fuel cells and hydrogen production. This is a field in which a large group of FORTH/ICE-HT researchers focuses its efforts.

Cultural Groups of FORTH - 1st Art Exhibition: Painting and Photography

A non-scientific exhibition will open tomorrow, 10 February at 18:00 p.m. in the seminar room "Alkiviades Payatakes" of the Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH) in Heraklion. This is the First Art Exhibition organized by the members of the Cultural Groups of FORTH and it will host 78 art paintings and photographs created by its members, as well as an interesting concept of modern IT technology in an interactive presentation of famous art works.

Presentation of the book of Dr. Antonis Andriotis entitled: "The theory of Pantachikiniton by Benjamin of Lesvos - From the Cartesian aether to the universality and duality of the phenomena of energy transfer"

The event of the book presentation of Dr. Antonis Andriotis - Research Director at the Foundation of Research and Technology Hellas (FORTH) - was successfully hosted at FORTH's Amphitheatre by the Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser (IESL) at Heraklion Crete, on Tuesday, February the 2nd, 2010.

Award for Excellence in Academic Teaching

This year's award for Excellence in Academic Teaching in memory of V. Xanthopoulos and St. Pneumatikos will be given to the Professor of Mathematics at the University of Crete, Dr. Souzanna Papadopoulou.

FORTH mourns the loss of its Chairman, Alkiviades Ch. Payatakes

FORTH mourns the loss of its Chairman, Professor Alkiviades Ch. Payatakes

How proteins find their way out of cells, an essential mechanism for cellular function

The Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (IMBB) of FORTH participates in the effort to understand a fundamental biological problem, namely how cells regulate trafficking of their proteins. Some of the research results are presented in today's edition of Nature, one of the most authoritative international scientific journals. They stem from intercontinental cooperation between the research teams Tassos Economou, IMBB Researcher and Associate Professor at the Biology Department of the University of Crete and that of Charalambos Kalodimou, Associate Professor at Rutgers University (New Jersey, USA).

A significant success for FORTH:
The research project ADAPTIVES has recently been selected for granting by the European Research Council (ERC) Starting Fund 2009
ERC, Funding

FORTH has recently received a new distinction at European level, as the project "ADAPTIVES/ Algorithmic Development and Analysis of Pioneer Techniques for Imaging with waVES" submitted by Dr. Chrysoula Tsogka has been selected for granting by the European Research Council (ERC) Starting Fund 2009.

Conference for the "DARWIN YEAR", 20-21 November 2009

The Conference is organized on the occasion of the celebration for the "DARWIN YEAR" on Friday and Saturday 20-21 November 2009 at 17:00 (on 20/11) and at 15:00 (on 21/11).

Brain stem cells and the biology of myelin repair,Professor Robin J.M. Franklin, MRC Cambridge Centre for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine

This is the second colloquium organized by IESL-FORTH in the frame of a series of special lectures involving distinguished speakers active in areas of strong interdisciplinary interest. This colloquium is organized in collaboration with the Medical School of the University of Crete.

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