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Recent Trends in Computer Architecture and Digital System Instruction
Lecture, Workshop/Seminar

Wednesday, 8th February 2012, FORTH's amphitheatre "Georgios Lianis"

Event honoring Professor Fotis C Kafatos

The Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH) is pleased to invite you to an event honoring the former Director of the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (IMBB)

Wine tasting at IESL

A wine tasting session took place at the Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser of FORTH, on Wednesday, the 21st of December, with the generous support of Domaine Paterianakis Winery.

IMBB researchers reveal a novel mechanism underlying necrotic neurodegeneration
Alzheimer's disease, Cells, Neurobiology, Parkinson's Disease

Research carried out at the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, published today in the international scientific periodical EMBO Journal, reveals a novel molecular mechanism required for the degeneration of nerve cells.

Best Paper Award at the EHB 2011 international conference to researchers of the Institute of Computer Science of FORTH

The paper entitled "An image analysis framework for the early assessment of hypertensive retinopathy signs", presented by Dr. Vangelis Sakkalis, researcher at the Institute of Computer Science (ICS) of the Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH), received the Best Paper Award at the IEEE International Conference on e-Health and Bioengineering 2011 (EHB 2011, Iasi, Romania, 24-26 November 2011).

Magnetofluidically Tunable Microstructured Optical Fiber Grating Devices

In the December issue of Optics and Photonics News, the Optical Society of America highlighted exciting and significant research findings that characterized the year 2011 in Optics and Photonics. Among these annual highlights (see video), the work of the FORTH-IESL, research group of Dr Stavros Pissadakis, focused on the development of Magnetofluidically Tunable Microstructured Optical Fiber Grating Devices was included.

The ceremony of the 2011 Award for Excellence in Academic Teaching "Vassilis XANTHOPOULOS - Stephanos PNEVMATIKOS"

The ceremony of the Award for Excellence in Academic Teaching "Vassilis XANTHOPOULOS - Stephanos PNEVMATIKOS" will be held at the main Hall of the National Library in Athens on December 13 2011, at 19.00 p.m.

One-day workshop "Strategies of Digital Development"

The Representation of the European Commission in Greece in collaboration with the Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH) is pleased to invite you to a one-day workshop in the context of the "Going Local 2011 exercise - Digital Agenda" of the General Directorate of the Information Society and Media of the European Commission on the topic "Strategies of Digital Development" on Tuesday 29 November, at 10:30 hrs at the main amphitheatre of FORTH "Georgios Lianis", Heraklion, Crete (N. Plastira 100)

Eurecca tackles three key questions for the IT industry

Eurecca tackles three key questions for the IT industry: Today's multicore processors are not being utilized in a sufficiently intelligent way. They get too hot and run slowly because they are used inefficiently. At the same time, transistors are becoming so small that they will ultimately become unreliable. Major European research organizations are now attempting to create a revolution in computer architecture.

EuroRec EHR Quality Seal Level 2 granted to EHR system developed by FORTH

Nursing and Medical Applications (under the product name ICS-M), which are part of the software suite "Integrated Care Solutions" developed by the Institute of Computer Science of the Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH), have been certified with the Seal of Quality Electronic Health Record (EHR) Level 2 (EuroRec EHR Quality Seal Level 2) by the European Institute for Health Records EuroRec (

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