FORTH leading top nanomedicine conference | News



FORTH leading top nanomedicine conference

The Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser (IESL) of the Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH) organizes the 11th ETPN 2016 (Nanomedicine European Technology Platform General Assembly and Annual Event 2016, in collaboration with the Nanomedicine European Technology Platform ( The event will take place at Aquila Atlantis Hotel in Heraklion Crete on October 12-14, 2016. The annually organized event of the European Technology Platform for Nanomedicine was awarded to the Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser following an open competitive call earlier this year. The Organizing Committee of the event organization is headed by Professor Spiros H. Anastasiadis, Director of IESL, in collaboration with the Coordinator of the European Technology Platform for Nanomedicine, Dr. M. Patrick Boisseau, who is in charge of Strategic Planning in Health Technologies atthe technological Research Division of the French Atomic Energy Center (CEA).

Nanomedicine, the application of nanotechnology to health, is a novel and promising field thatraises high expectations for millions of patients for better, more efficient and affordable healthcare. Nanotechnology in facthas the potential of delivering promising solutions to many illnesses. Research in nanomedicine will allow for a better understanding of the functioning of the human body at molecular and nanometric level and it will thus give us the possibility to intervene better at pre-symptomatic, acute or chronic stage of illnesses.

The event aims at gathering older as well as newer members of the platform and leading scientists in the field in order todiscover, to meet, to network, to prepare new projects, to brainstorm about Nanomedicine and its industrial expansion and, thus, tofurther develop the European activity in diagnostics, therapeutic and regenerative medicine. The exchange of ideas and the development of collaborations in nanomedicine and nanotechnology are priority issues to be addressed by the platform.

FORTH and, more specifically, the Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser are proud to host the event that is expected to advance further the research activities in the area as well as to enhance further an already active role in the regional economy. The selection of FORTH as the organizer of this event confirms, once more, the key role of FORTH in the European nanotechnology arena, especially now that science and innovation are critical factors for the development of the Country.

The conference will be opened by Mr. Stavros Arnaoutakis, Governor of the Region of Crete.