
"Women Researchers in Positions of Responsibility", an event organized by the Gender Equality and Anti-Discrimination Committee (GEAD) of FORTH
Τhe Gender Equality and Anti-Discrimination Committee (GEAD) of FORTH invites you to the event entitled "Women Researchers in Positions of Responsibility". The event will take place on Monday, December 9 at 11:00-14:00 in the "Georgios Lianis" Auditorium, Central Building of FORTH, in Heraklion.
It includes presentations of researchers on the challenges in the promotion of women researchers in positions of responsibility, and propositions for the improvement of the current situation.
The event is organized by FORTH GEAD in collaboration with the Region of Crete in the framework of the "16 Days of Activities for the Prevention and Management of Violence against Women", and it will be in Greek.