
FORTH – Pharmathen: New research collaboration for the development of innovative technologies and pharmaceutical products
A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed today by Prof. Nektarios Tavernarakis, President of the Foundation for Research & Technology-Hellas (FORTH), and Mr. Dimitris Kadis, Group CEO of Pharmathen, aiming at collaborating in the development of joint scientific activities.
In particular, the two organizations aim to develop new treatments and technological innovations with a positive impact on human health, such as innovative pharmaceuticals based on biotechnology. They will also cooperate in European, international and Greek research programs, in joint scientific publications, but also in the organization of seminars and scientific events.
In the context of developing innovative medicines, the pharmaceutical company Pharmathen has already approved the funding of a research program at the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (IMBB) of FORTH, for the development of innovative technologies aimed at combating chronic inflammation. In particular, Pharmathen will fund the Genome Stability and Mammalian Physiology laboratory, which is supervised by Prof. George Garinis, for the development of new anti-inflammatory mRNA drugs. Over time, DNA damage gradually accumulates, triggering the activation of innate immune responses in vital organs and the brain. Chronic inflammation constitutes one of the most critical risk factors for the early onset of neurodegenerative diseases, metabolic complications and cancer, during the aging process.
Prof. George Garinis explained that "the development of mRNA drugs to mitigate chronic inflammation aims at the selective removal of products derived from genetic damage". On top of that, he added that "this strategy treats one of the main causes of inflammation without the need to use immunosuppressive drugs, thus avoiding possible associated complications."
Pharmathen is one of the most distinguished European companies in the pharmaceutical industry, carrying many years of experience in the research and development of new treatments and technological innovations that have a positive impact on people's health. The collaboration between IMBB and Pharmathen represents an impressive joining of forces in pharmaceutical research and development that reflects both organizations' commitment and dedication to top quality and innovation.
"The present collaboration is part of the strategy of connecting FORTH-IMBB with the Pharmaceutical Industry, in order to create synergies that will help to better utilize knowledge and excellent research results, but also to improve health care in the long term", emphasized the Director of IMBB Prof. Ioannis Vontas and the President of the Board of Directors of FORTH, Prof. Nektarios Tavernarakis.
Mr. Dimitris Kadis, Group CEO of Pharmathen, stated that:
"Pharmathen is a research and development company that consistently invests in technologies and programs aiming to improve patients' quality of life. Through our new collaboration with the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology of FORTH, we will have the opportunity to not only contribute to the development of even more innovative treatments--which will make a difference in the lives of millions of people around the world--but also to underline the high-level training of Greek scientists, both in our country and abroad."
In the framework of the present cooperation, IMBB will provide its scientific expertise and high technology which is required for the development of new mRNA drugs. On the other hand, Pharmathen will provide its expertise in the pharmaceutical sector. Their shared vision is to create advanced treatments that will improve the quality of life for patients.
The Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH) is one of the largest research centers in Greece with well-organized facilities, highly qualified personnel and a reputation as a top-level research institution worldwide.
FORTH comprises 10 Research Institutes, and conducts specialized scientific research in strategic high-added value sectors, focusing on interdisciplinary research and development (R&D) activities in areas of major scientific, societal and economic interest, such as: Lasers and Photonics, Micro-nano electronics, Advanced Materials/Nanotechnology, Molecular Biology, Genetics, Biotechnology, Precision Medicine, Systems Biology, Genomic Research, Bioinformatics, Computer Science, Robotics, Telecommunications, Applied and Computational Mathematics, Chemical Engineering Sciences, Energy, Environment, Human and Social Sciences, Astrophysics and Astronomy.
Its objectives are to carry out basic, applied and technological research and to promote science and development of applications, products and services.
About Pharmathen
Pharmathen is one of the leading complex drug delivery and formulation developers and is among the top 50 pharmaceutical research companies in Europe. Driven by innovation, the company specializes in one of the most modern and technologically innovative sectors, developing Long Acting Injectables (LAI), Sustained Release formulations and Preservative Free Ophthalmics.
Pharmathen’s portfolio consists of over 100 products, produced at its facility in Sapes, Rodopi, approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and at its modernized production unit in Pallini, Attica.
Pharmathen is one of the largest private investors in research and development in Greece, with steady investments of €35 million annually in the R&D sector and employs over 1,350 people from over 24 different nationalities. The company's enduring success is attributed to the passion for creativity, the ethics, and dedication of its people, who share the company's vision of making a difference in people’s lives.