
Lecture by Edhem Eldem with the topic "The forest and the trees. Boğaziçi University’s ongoing struggle as an illustration of recent political changes in Turkey".
Ever since the political appointment of a president on January 2, 2021, Boğaziçi University has been facing a continuous effort by the government to take over one of the most prestigious state universities in the country. As a historian, beyond the obvious frustration caused by this attack against his own institution, the speaker intends to use this crisis as an occasion to address the wider issue of the present situation in Turkey and of its possible links to the political developments of the past 150 years.
* The lecture will take place at IMS Lecture Hall on Wednesday, 20 October, 2021 at 20:30 (Athens). Access to the IMS-FORTH premises for the workshop will be restricted, according to anti-COVID 19 regulations, to persons with certificate of complete vaccination or certificate of overcome COVID-19 disease. The use of masks and antiseptic is compulsory. (max. capacity 20 persons).
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