
FORTH-ICS hosts workshop that launches the cooperation with Naval Group
The workshop between Naval Group and the Institute of Computer Science (FORTH-ICS) was concluded today, Thursday, June 24, 2021 in the premises of Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas in Heraklion, Crete.
The meeting took place within the framework of their cooperation agreement signed in 2019. This cooperation focuses on the activities of the Computational Vision and Robotics Laboratory headed by Prof. Panos Trahanias. Both parties will exchange know-how, participate in joint scientific activities and will work together to reinforce the role of research in these cutting-edge domains.
FORTH-ICS and Naval Group currently work together on joint research and development projects in sectors such as autonomous airborne systems (drones), navigation and control of autonomous mobile robots with "intelligent" behavior, systems architecture and engineering, as well as communication and information technology.
In his speech, the Director of the Institute of Computer Science, prof. Dimitris Plexousakis, stated that this first workshop launches the cooperation with Naval Group and other French academic partners, providing the opportunity to pursue joint research activities in several sectors in which the Institute is active such as robotics, Computational Vision, signal processing, networks and telecommunications.
Prof. Panos Trahanias referred to the cooperation roadmap with Naval Group, and continued by presenting extensively the relevant activities of the Computational Vision and Robotics Laboratory, emphasizing on autonomous robotics and air systems which is the object of the first joint partnership project.
“This workshop was a first concrete realization of our partnership and a new step in the development of strong academic links between Naval Group and FORTH-ICS, but also with other Hellenic and French partners among which ENSTA Bretagne and ENIB, also present today. We are all looking forward to fostering the beginning of exchanges of students and/or researchers” explained François-Régis Boulvert, Naval Group’s International Scientific Cooperation Director, during his speech.