Professor Vassilis Charmandaris, Director of the Institute of Astrophysics-FORTH, was awarded the title "Knight of the Order of Academic Palms", by the French Republic | News



Professor Vassilis Charmandaris, Director of the Institute of Astrophysics-FORTH, was awarded the title "Knight of the Order of Academic Palms", by the French Republic

Our warmest congratulations to Mr. Vassilis Charmandaris, Professor of Astrophysics at the Department of Physics of the University of Crete and Director of the Institute of Astrophysics-FORTH and the Skinakas Observatory, for the title Chevallier dans l'Ordre des Palmes Academiques (Knight of the Order of Academic Palms) awarded by the French Republic.

The Order of the Academic Palmes is one of the highest distinctions in France, bestowed by the French Republic on distinguished academics and teachers for valuable service to education and science.

This honorary distinction is a significant recognition of Prof. Charmandaris' outstanding scientific accomplishments and contribution to education.

Prof. Charmandaris will be awarded the insignia of Knight of the Order of Academic Palms, at an official ceremony at the French Embassy in Athens, which will take place during the first quarter of 2025.