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IESL-FORTH partner of RIANA, the new European research infrastructure for nanoscience and nanotechnology
A new research project, funded by the EU with a grant of €14.5 million, has recently begun, with the participation of the Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser of the Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (IESL-FORTH).
RIANA (standing for Research Infrastructure Access in Nanoscience & Nanotechnology) has officially been launched on 1 March 2024 to offer access to Europe’s leading facilities in nanoscience and nanotechnology that are at the heart of the development of new materials for prosperity and sustainability. The RIANA project provides the user community with a unique platform of 69 infrastructures from 22 European countries, including synchrotron, electron microscopy, laser, ion beam, neutron, clean room, and soft matter research infrastructures as well as high performance computing. Beyond standard user access to single facilities, RIANA offers a single-point access and a particularly strong user support by a network of junior scientists. RIANA will engage with academic and industrial users via a rolling call system and promote experiments that combine different facilities and techniques. This combination of scientific tools will enable new approaches and an expansion of the user community, paving the way for accelerated innovation based on nanomaterials.
RIANA website:
Further information:
Dr. Panagiotis Loukakos
Media contact:
Maro Agriti