
Hackathon for Health and Wellness Crete 2024
The Region of Crete, the Science and Technology Park of Crete/FORTH, the University of Crete, the Athens Startup Business Incubator (Th.E.A.) of the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the European Digital Innovation Hub for Smart Health: Precision Medicine and Innovative e-Health Services (smartHEALTH), and the European Digital Innovation Hub for Digital Governance (GR digiGOV-innoHUB) are co-organizing a Hackathon Competition, aiming at highlighting innovative ideas in the theme of “Health and Wellness”.
The event will take place on April 20-21 at two venues: At FORTH premises in Heraklion, Crete, as well as at the “Konstantinos Michalos” entrepreneurship center of the Athens Startup Business Incubator (Th.E.A.), in Athens.
Interested parties can submit their application until the 7th of April 2024!
For more info and submission of applications (Greek language) visit the website of Innovation Business Observatory of Crete Region (ibo) here