
2nd ENISA - FORTH Summer School on Network & Information Security (NIS'09)
The EU cyber security Agency; ENISA (European Network and Information Security Agency) and the Institute of Computer Science of the Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (ICS-FORTH) organise their 2nd Summer School on Network and Information Security (NIS'09). This year's theme is "Privacy and Trust in a Networked World". It will take place in Crete, Greece, 14th-18th September 2009.
The continuously increasing use of computers and mobile phones in human and organisational activities is bringing forward Network and Information Security (NIS) as a fundamental aspect of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). The widespread adoption and application of NIS technologies is crucial for improving productivity, as well as the development of the information society as a whole. Constant advances in ICT are creating new opportunities for growth in European economy and for improving the quality of life for citizens. At the same time, these advances pose new challenges to NIS, requiring a high-level of alertness, an understanding of technology and current trends, and continuous refining and adjustment of strategic options.
Security, privacy, and trust are crucial for any service, application and transaction offered over public communication networks. Their importance is expected to increase even more with the Future Internet. Therefore, ensuring integrity of information, protecting the source of information and establishing trust, between persons as well as towards objects, sensors and actuators, are key challenges.
The NIS'09 Summer School will address multiple facets of Privacy and Security through discussions on key policy, legal, academic and research aspects. Participation of key policy makers from EU Member States and EU Institutions, top level decision makers from industry, and members of the academic and research community is expected. Two members of the European Parliament, Dr. Jorgo Chatzimarkakis (DE) and Professor Emeritus Ioannis Tsoukalas (GR), as well as the European Data Protection Supervisor, Mr. Peter Hustinx are among the distinguished speakers of the NIS'09 Summer School..
For further details, please visit the NIS'09 Summer School home page: