Book presentation dedicated to the great Greek mathematician of the diaspora, Konstantinos Karatheodori
Crete University Press invites you to a Book presentation dedicated to Konstantinos Karatheodoris, on Wednesday, 5th December 2007, 7:00 pm
How proteins find their destination
The Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology of FORTH participates in the effort to understand a fundamental biological problem: How do cells regulate trafficking of their proteins? Some of the research results are presented in a recent publication in Cell, one of the most authoritative international scientific journals. They stem from intercontinental cooperation between the research teams of Ch. Kalodimou, Assistant Professor at Rutgers University and that of T. Economou, IMBB researcher and Associate Professor at the Biology Department of the University of Crete.
Book presentation dedicated to Nikos Kazantzakis
Crete University Press invites you to a Book presentation dedicated to Nikos Kazantzakis, on Wednesday, 28th November 2007, at 7:00 pm
One day meeting on "Greek Technology and Science Initiatives" GTSI, Thursday November 29, 2007, at "L. Zervas" Amphitheatre, National Hellenic Research Foundation.
The Meeting is aimed at the research, academic and business community and will include presentations and discussion on developments and prospects for the advancement of Research and Technology in Greece.
Memorandum of cooperation between the Technological Educational Institute of Crete and the Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser of FORTH
A memorandum of cooperation was signed by the Chairman of the Technological Educational Institute of Crete, Mrs. Chara Athanasaki-Michaelidou and the Director of the Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser of FORTH, Mr. C. Fotakis.
8th Symposium of the Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas
The 8th Symposium of the Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH) will take place on Friday, October 11 and Saturday, October 12 in Rethimnon.
Restoration of the old building of the Institute for Mediterranean Studies in Rethimnon
On Friday 05/10, the chairman of the Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH), Mr. Alkviades C. Payatakes and a contractor, selected after public tender, signed the contracting agreement for the project "FORTH/ Restoration of the old building of the Institute for Mediterranean Studies" at the premises of FORTH
Distinguished Undergraduate Grant "Stelios Orphanoudakis"
The Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH) establishes, as of the academic year 2007-2008, the award of distinguished undergraduate scholarships to the five (5) students that will be admitted to the Computer Science Department of the University of Crete having received the highest grades at the national university-entrance exams.
Summer School in Underwater Acoustics
The Institute of Applied and Computational Mathematics (IACM) of the Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (FORTH) organizes a 10-day summer school in Underwater Acoustics at FORTH (Heraklion, Crete) from 18 to 27 June 2008, in the framework of the Damocles project.
Greek Technology & Science Initiatives (GTSI)
The opinion of the Conference of Chairmen is that the GTSI study constitutes an excellent base for National R&D Policy planning. The CCRC plans to organize an open conference at the end of September, which will offer to the organizations involved (GSRT, R.C., UNIVERSITIES, TECHNICAL UNIVERSITIES, ENTERPRISES, etc) the opportunity for a public discussion.
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