Under the patronage of H.E. the President of the Hellenic Republic
Ms. Katerina Sakellaropoulou

Poster Abstracts | Geoenergy

ig Poster Abstracts

  1. H1 Subsurface microbial hydrogen cycling: implications for Underground Hydrogen Storage projects
    Elpida Maragkozoglou, Simon Poirier, Spyros Bellas, Emmanouel Stamatakis, Ioannis Yentekakis, Evina Gontikaki
    Presenting author: Elpida Maragkozoglou, Corresponding author: Evina Gontikaki
  2. H2 Integrated Autonomous Hydrogen Energy Systems – Resilience advantages & humanitarian crises response
    Emmanuel Stamatakis, Yentekakis Ioannis
    Presenting author: Emmanuel Stamatakis, Corresponding author: Emmanuel Stamatakis
  3. H3 Effect of the Reactor Configuration and Operational Parameters on Formation, Growth and Dissociation of Carbon Dioxide Hydrate – A Combined Experimental and Computational Study
    Stamatakis Emmanuel, Labropoulos Anastasios, Tallarou Chrysoula, Stavropoulos Stavros, Bellas Spyridon, Pasadakis Nikolaos, Yentekakis Ioannis
    Presenting author: Labropoulos Anastasios, Corresponding author: Stamatakis Emmanuel
  4. H4 Hydrocarbon Generation Potential of the Diatomites, Western Crete, Greece
    Bellas Spyridon, Telemenis Dimosthenis, Manoutsoglou Emmanouil, Yentekakis Ioannis
    Presenting author: Telemenis Dimosthenis, Corresponding author: Spyridon Bellas